The Beginning of PawsB Puppies

Some things about me:

It all started in 2021, in the middle of Covid-19 lockdowns, when our family dog passed away. While we were all saddened by this, my sister's puppy (Louie) was having a hard time adjusting to not having a friend anymore. Although quite soon after losing our other dog, it seemed best to replace her as soon as possible due to how sad and lonely Louie was. So I made the decision to fulfil my dream of owning my own dog and after a bit of searching, we found Bambi on gumtree and drove to pick her up between lockdown restrictions. Bambi and Louie became best-friends immediately (and still are to this day). I absolutely loved the experience of raising a puppy, it wasn't easy, but it was so fun!

I knew from the beginning that I wanted to give Bambi the opportunity to be a mother before I desexed her, but after buying Banjo and seeing his beautiful nature and personality there was no going back. It was at this point that I knew this had to be bigger than just one litter.

Long story short, following this we bought Bubbles, joined the RPBA, registered with the local council as an animal business and took all the steps to make sure we were legally compliant. The whole process was a great learning experience to me. I also did all the research about breeding, health testing, colour genetics and just about anything else you can think of. I am not an expert by any means, but I'm proud of how far my knowledge has come since the beginning. Bambi's first litter in 2022 was the one of the best things I have experienced to date. It made all my work up until this point worth it. Bambi was an excellent mother and made my job one hundred times easier.

The best part is when you get to send the puppies off to their forever homes. It's an amazing feeling to put so much work into something and then to see a family meet their puppy for the first time. That is the joy that PawsB Puppies is here to produce and I'm so excited to continue to do this as long as circumstances allow.